Are you previously work in UAE and now banned to Enter in UAE in this year 2019 or want to come back again but not sure about Ban. The concern is mostly for those who previously run away from work without completeing the minimum period of contract.
A Good News:
UAE replaces most of the employment system in 2016 with contract basis after completing 2 years or what is specified in Job contract worker is free to leave and get a new job. But most of workers don’t know and try to do leave or run away from job without informing employer.
Let list down the question you may have in you mind and find than answers:
I want to leave my Job without Completing Contract:
Limited Contract: On limited contract employee can easily leave his job without any worry after completion of minimum period mostly 2 years or what specific in contract but in case worker don’t want to continue the job and want to terminate the contract than employee must compensate his employer with at least 45 days of salary. Article 116
Otherwise in case if worker run away or leave the job without compensating or ending the contract than he/she may find difficulty to get a new job in UAE or enter again in UAE for one year on work visa. Just follow the contract, ones contract expired leave the job and get a new one. Prior to 2016 there is no official mutual contract system many labourers who don’t like their jobs when leave the job would quickly get ban to enter in UAE.
Also no employer is allowed to take a worker who already breaks his limited contract. Article 128
Unlimited Contract:
Leaving from job in unlimited contract is more flexible worker just need to notify his employer before 30 days of leaving the position which is Called Notice Period. In this period employer/company can fill up the position or take necessary steps.
In case worker didn’t notify or give notice period and leave the job without or with consent of employer than he/she may face the ban to get new job in UAE for one year. Just Remember the Notice Period or Ask the employer to terminate the contract if he agrees just leave the job.
Some Points through you can avoid BAN of UAE in 2017:
Mutual Contract/agreement:
Actually UAE government not cancel or fully terminate BAN on workers instead UAE introduces mutual contract or understanding system between worker and employer. Mutual Agreement is understanding between worker and employer if worker follow that agreement which is signed during hiring and follow that, worker can easily switch job and don’t face any BAN.
According to Article 130 of UAE labour laws both worker and employer shoult make an agreement which is than authorized by Minister of Labour and Social Affairs with the approval of the original employer.”
There are some professionals who are totally free from any type of BAN even if they terminate contract and leave the job. Mostly these are higher degree holders having skill level of 1, 2, 3 while skill level 4 and 5 can still face Ban.
SEE ALSO: What are the professions that can change or leave job without BAN
Must be aware what is your skill level and professional category in UAE. In case you have higher qualification and posses low level than contact Ministry of labour and promote yourself to higher for getting better position while on job.
RELATED: See what is your skill level in UAE
my friend deforted in dubai to philipines because she have health issue there is any way che can comeback here in dubai??
Living in UAE
Which Health Issue
If it is viral infection or Virus that is non-treatable than it is difficult for him to come back but if the health issue is fixed thanOK
good day, i would like to ask about my friends case here.she has unfit medical results and she was adviced to go back in philippines this thursday. is their any way to waive her medical and do another medical test? is she ban here in dubai? how long? pls help us.thank u