Check Iqama service allows you to check all related information about your resident id in Saudi Arabia. This service is available online on different government websites where all of your persnol data is saved. To check your own iqama expiry, status, validity or other details you may check this article “How to Check Iqama details”. Regarding Sponsors or Kafeel every expat must have information about his Sponsor especially his Iqama number and name. Some of employees might unknown his sponsor name and want to get the information of his sponsor without asking someone so he can do it online as well as offline let discuss the ways to check iqama of sponsor ID online.
How to Check Iqama of Kafeel:
1.Check Iqama on MOI absher Account:
Check IQAMA EXPIRY Service on MOI
This ways is really easy if you have moi Absher Account. On MOI abshir account merely all information is available on you dashboard you can also check your profile deatials where must be Sponsor name and ID is written.
Just Click on E-Services Tab and you will see several columns. Under Expatriate Affairs click on Family Visa Services after that you’re directed to new page where click on New Family Visa Application. Once you click a new page will be opened which show some detail information about you and at the end you will find the respective details related to your SPONSOR.
2. Check Sponsor(SAJAL) سجل at Visa Page:
WHen your passport is stamped with saudi visa. You will able to see several details about you personal information written on visa. The heading of Sponsor in Arabic Sajal is also written. If you have you passport or copy of passport you could easily find and check name of Sponsor and its name on visa page.
3. Just Ask your Sponsor or HR Office:
You have right to get information about your sponsor don’t need to hesitate if it is really important or not, Ask you sponsor or person at his office in order to get details for your sponsor.
4. Check Iqama of Sponsor on
Minsitry of labour Nitaqat iqama check service also give some details of your sponsor or kafeel the process is same as Natiqat check all you need is to enter your iqama number and code written in image. Than click on submit button in order to find and check who is you current kafeel/sponsor. READ NOW: Check IQAMA Nitaqat Color Red Green Yellow of Sponsor
Zafar iqbal
Dear sir.
Please sir my friend came saudia new vaza .but he did not know kafeel neam or no.we are very worse.3 month finished.Please sir help me .Or website one.I chak kafeel no or neam.thanks
Khurram Shahzad
A word سجل is written in visa Page…Check in the Passport..In front of سجل Sponsor name is written
Khurram Shahzad
OR follow this procedure