King Salman performed Ardha dance during his 4 nations visit, from his four visits this is a second visit to Qatar. Emir of Qatar, royal families and public welcome King of Saudi Arabia and shows their gesture in fascinating way.
To welcome Saudi King’s historic visit Qatari band performed this amazing Traditional dance Called “Ardah”.
Ardah is tradition dance belongs to Tribes of Arabia. This dance has various form throughout Arabian Pennsuala and all gulf countries have some separate form of the dance. Usually the dance is perform by a male groups standing next to each other in a two rows while holding a swords. Poetry is also spoken with drums as background music.
Traditionally in old times Ardah is performed before soldiers were going to war but in modern Arab states this dance is performed during celebrations, weddings, and national and cultural events.
Ardah is performed to boost the moral of soldiers. Word ardah means to show parade. One of the most notable forms of ardah were Najd Ardah is now also called Saudi Ardah.
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