As you know that iqamas are now replaced by muqeem card, expats now must replace their old iqamas with muqeem card from October 2015 onward. Expats living in Saudi Arabia were curious to know more about these new muqeem card how they look, purpose, thier annual fees, validity and replacement. As i already discuss the muqeem card features and introduction, for those who don’t know I repeat some of intro The Passport Department’s Assistant Director General states that new ID cards for expatriates are foolproof and anti forge. The new expat ID card issued electronically and can easily be renewed through abshir moi online account after five years of physical validity.
Today’s discussion is what is annual fee of this card lets figure out.
Starting from new hijri year of 1437 on 14 october 2015 old iqama status will be withdrawn you must have to replace them with muqeem card
The annual fees of muqeem card are
Collective fees for 5 year period for company workers is SAR 650
For dependents above 18 years SAR 500
For House Domestic Helpers Card Issuance fee is SAR 600 while one year renewal SAR 500
After first five year of validity muqeem cards will automatically renewed according to wish of sponor/Khalifa. No need to go in Jawazat offices for renewal. These new cards is a practical example of how Saudi government is implementing E-Government so that it could aid in time saving and printing of form, and this will also reduces expat problems in KSA.
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