Due to hot desert climate people in Dubai not go outside in a day without cars. It is just an overview of Car in Dubai let see how to renew vehicle license registration in Dubai.
In Dubai, every car owner need to register his vehicle once in a year. If you bought a new car in Dubai you may find it already registered by car showroom but in case if you bought second hand you need to register car every year onward after the registration expires.
Car registration is called Mulkiya (mulkiyah, mulkiah) is Arabic. From August 2010 Dubai car registration can be renewed from any other emirates.
Insurance companies from august 2010 also give services related to vehicle registration these companies include:
- AXA Insurance
- Fujairah Insurance
- Noor Takaful (and Noor Islamic Bank branches?)
- Oman Insurance
- Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance (RSA)
These car insurance companies use the same method still have to make contact with RTA Trusted Agents. They have internal links with RTA through which they did vehicle registration or renewal.
Document Required for Vehicle Registration renewal:
- Insurance certificate of Vehicle
- Old registration card(mulkiyah, mulkiah)
- “Passed” car test certificate
Take Emirate ID with yourself sometimes they ask you to show your ID. It is good to keep your Emirates ID with yourself usually in case of Government Procedure.
- Make sure that your car is free from any type of Traffic offense and all fine. The car owner must check fines against his vehicle through the online RTA website.
- In the developed world, every car is checked for its efficiency and like in Dubai you need a Passed Vehicle test certificate.
- To get this certificate Go to Dubai Traffic Department/other emirates traffic department or to (Tasjeel Eppco, Emarat Shamil or Belhasa’s Wasel to have the car tested.
- Pay the fees for test the fee is 150 Dirham
- Wait for your new Registration card which valid for 1 year. In case the car is on lease give Bank Clearance certificate..
- Take a new Sticker with a new expiry date and place it on the rear number plate over an old sticker.
Car Renewal Fees and Cost:
- The registration fee is 350 Dirham for light vehicles.
- Test/Inspection fee is 150 Dirham.
- 20 Dirham Knowledge and Innovation fee.
- Dh 10 for a car sticker.
- From January 1, 2020, newly designed number plates will be issued for 70 Dirham.
Some Important Points
Make sure to always renew registration as soon as possible as Dubai Police is tracking those vehicles whose registration has expired more than 3 months ago. In some cases, Dubai RTA totally writes off vehicle and in order to register again, the owner has to pay big amount.
The fine of late registration starts from 150 Dirham no matter how fast you take action even if you late for 1 days.
If you buy a new car in Dubai you don’t need to get tested for 2 years while that vehicle that was two years old must have to be tested.
To get your registration on an urgent basis you have to pay 100-200 DHS Tasjeel otherwise wait for your turn.
Shamil gives a pickup service in which you called him and they collect your car, register it and then give you back.
Important numbers
EPPCO Tasjeel 800 4258
Shamil 8004559
Wasel 043245524
For more information, visit RTA website (http://www.rta.ae). Or call RTA’s toll-free number on 8009090.
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