Revolution in Work Permits, Bahrain takes an innovative step to introduce a type of work permit which is termed as Flexible Work Permits. This Work permit will grant permission to highly qualified expatriates to work for more than one employer by assuming the second job as part time jobs.
This chance is not given in most of countries of Gulf but other rest of world.. The scheme makes the expatriates independent and they can earn more than those who were working only for one employer. The permit is not free Holder have to pay fee for this permit.
Fee of permit is 199 BHD and issuance fee isĀ 143 BHD including health care fees, The validity is two years. With 30 BHD insurance fee as well as fee for airfare ticket for travelling to home country.
Business community don’t reacted to this move as they just have to pay wages to holder of this permit against their respective services.
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The the official implementation of flexible work permits may start from second quarter of 2017 and the circular has been publish by LMRA Bahrian to give awareness of this program to expatriates.
New regime is implemented to take down the illegal worker those who overstay on visa and have invalid work Permits. Those workers have invalid work permit before sep 20 apply for the special programme. This is not for paramedical staff.
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This move of flexible work permit is developed to reduce the problem of expatriate working regarding changing sponsors. Also new rules were implemented to includes in labor laws such as to change sponsor after expiry of contract which give permission and right to worker to remain in Bahrain after changing of sponsor.
These latest measures confirms that Bahrain is more open for foreign business for competition in doing business. The new schemes limit the government expenses and generate new non-oil sources for revenue. The Saving is done only by reducing illegal workers which give opportunity to highly skilled workers.
Source: GULFNEWs
Shall we sponsored our parents some like wife & childrens ?????
Arabian Gulf News
I don’t Know as this is just announcement the more details will come after its implementation in 2017
Is it possible to avail this flexible work permit even you have lmra offense???
Editorial Team
Strictly impossible
Hi if on labour legal offense law 24