Whenever you apply for a job or Visit in Saudi Arabia, a Visa is issued by your concerned Sponsor, usually, visa comes after a Middle Man or Agent. Before Stamping of Saudi Visa, Saudi Embassy issued an E number which can be checked using Enjazit انجاز Information Technology Website enjazit.com.sa. E number is a crucial thing no one’s visa will be considered stamped until it has been issued with this number. Enjazانجاز Visa Checking System gives traveler the authority to check for any time of visa fraud in case the Agent tries to flee away. Always use enjaz انجاز visa checking for your own safety.
First of Make sure all the document is on your desk, passport, ID Card, and other visa-related documents.
Check Saudi Visa on Enjazit.com.sa
- Open your passport and look for your passport number after that click on this Link: Enjaz Visa Checking
- Change the language of Enjazit from Arabic to English.
- After that find the Individuals Box and Click on it.
- From the list of individual services click on Applicant Data.
- Fill the details accordingly First Passport Number, Nationality, Visa Type, From which city visa is issues and hit the search button.
Injaz انجاز Visa Checking System is a lifesaver for many simple individuals who want to get a job in Saudi Arabia and get trapped by agents. Enjaz’s Information technology team has worked hard to handle such a huge amount of applications each day.
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