It is not easy to send your hard earned income through a way which is insecure and costlier also, Dubai or another emirates generates huge amount of out going money billions of Dirhams goes out from UAE in the form of remittances every year. Many US citizens that were professional and high ranking individuals works in Dubai, which send more money than laborers.
To send money the first thing you need to know the conversion rate, this will give you an idea when the rate is high and low, when you should send money which will give higher conversion rate.
Currently the on3 us Dollar is equal to 3.65 to 3.68, the rate is same for many years only few pennies may become high or low. The maximum amount of cash 100,000AED is allowed to send to US to keep all things on track for UAE economy as well as to avoid any money laundering case.
Things to Check Before Sending Money: Must get information amount Transfer Rate at Bank of your in United States ask them to tell charges of money transferring through bank as well as Your bank in Dubai.
Transfer Using Online Banking Channel:
Salaries in Dubai deposited on Bank account whenever expat arrived in Emirates he have to setup Local Bank Account. Salaries in Dubai paid after every 30 days or a month.
To make a Local Bank Account:
Take Passport with Visa Pages
NOC letter from employer
Emirates ID Card
After making account, setup Online Banking account there many banks than provide online banking facility such as HSBC, Abu Dhabi Commercial Ban, CitiBank, Emirates NBD.
Ask bank representative to make account or visit official bank website to starting making bank account using Bank Account Number.
After registration of Online Banking Account:
Setup Receiver/Beneficiary/Payee Profile in that case yourself. Give the details of your Bank account in United States bank name, account number, address of bank, routing number. Swift Code or IBAN is also a main requirement.
The Bank Representative may calls you to confirm the details of your US bank account. Once the beneficiary account is setup and approved you can start sending money through internet or mobile application of Bank.
The transfer fee is varies from total of 30 to 35, the fee is divided on both banks. You might choose from which bank account the fee will be deducted. Must check updates of bank and reward programs as sometime bank gives free incentives to their customers who want to send remittances.
Once the transfer is finished you will receive tracking number, call and give this number to bank in United states to confirm if transaction is finished or not.
2. Transfer Money Using Exchange Center:
Exchange centers are another popular means of sending money mainly due to competitive transfer rat, they send money to US bank accounts as well as directly to individuals using Western Union. It is also best for those who still didn’t made their bank account in Dubai.
- After apporaching exchange Center
- Give the excat name of receipent according to his ID in US
- Bank name if sending to Bank
- Account number
- Routing Number
- Address of Branch were sending
- If directly sending to recipient ask him to take his ID card to exchange center and receive the money.
After 2 to 3 days the money will be received at other end and you’ll received the notification in SMS.
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