What is the procedure for getting or applying for Umrah visa from the USA, if you are an American Citizen and want to perform umrah it is better to contact Umrah Visa Agents aka middlemen or you can also try to apply by yourself? the answer is NO. Usually, the procedure becomes very tricky for first-time umrah performer so try to find a person who already performed umrah and get to know how he/she done it. The below application method is through the Saudi Embassy it only gives an overview of how it can be processed and what things required for the application.
Every candidate for an Umrah visa must apply through an approved, authorized US travel agent/org. These organizations must have an agreement with Saudi organizations or gov to give Umrah visas administrations. Umrah visas are not substantial for work or residency.
Umrah visas are sans given of any charge.
Umrah visas don’t give the privilege to work or live in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Every candidate for an Umrah visa must apply through an authorized U.S. travel organization.
Umrah Visa from USA requirements
These are the documents required
- Original Passport at the time of application must be valid for at least six months.
- Umrah visa application form
- If applying or performing with kids attach their birth certificates
- Visa Photos with white background
- Marriage certificate in case of traveling with a spouse.
- A vaccination certificate against meningitis and acyw135
- Only women older than 45 years is allowed to travel alone
- Those converted to Islam required to obtain letter/NOC from the local mosque or other prominent authority.
- Return tickets
Procedure to apply for Umrah Visa from the USA:
- Obtain a visa application form from Saudi Consulate fill out each detail carefully.
- In the case of women less the 45 years of age, authorization letter from Mahram(Husband or Father) is required
- Only women above 45 years of age can travel alone or in groups.
- Be sure to read the list of items not allowed to carry to Saudi Arabia, such as alcohol, harmful toxins, and other recreational drugs. You need to sign the document not bringing banned items.
- Visit certified practitioner, a check-up for any viral diseases as well as obtain vaccination against polio and meningitis.
- Children less than 15 years of age required to obtain polio vaccination
- Keep in mind immunization ought to have been given not over 3 years before the date of entrance to Saudi Arabia
- Umrah visa is legitimate for about fourteen days to 1 month in particular. Inside the validity applicants ought to perform Umrah, ensuring your takeoff from Saudi Arabia after validity is over.
General Guidelines for applicants:
- Travelers must convey immunization authentications with them for assessment by the Saudi Authority at the port of entry.
- No food items are permitted into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Travelers will be approved to visit any city other than the Holy Sites, in the event that they request authorization from the Authorized Saudi Passport Offices.
- Their travel agency should be aware regarding such travels outside holy sites. They should then give and organize transportation.
- Umrah visitors ought not to exceed their visas.
- Umrah pilgrims are asked to proclaim all monetary forms in their ownership and to exchange money just through approved money exchange centers.
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